Students will build on the knowledge and skills they learned in ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION TECHNIQUES. In addition, this course will provide leaners with the essential practical skills and advanced underpinning knowledge to be fully qualified to undertake employment within field of electrical installation and electricity facilities maintenance. Topics covered are Single and Multi-family dwelling units and commercial and industrial wiring installations.
Faculty: Natural & Applied Sciences
Programme Type: Associate Degree, Electrical Engineering Technology
Saltwater covers seventy-one percent (71%) of its surface, and many aspects of the marine world minimize physical and chemical stresses on organisms. The barrier to evolving gas exchange and osmotic regulatory structures that can function in freshwater and terrestrial environments are formidable, and relatively few lineages have escaped their marine origins to do so. Thus, it is not surprising to find that the marine environment continues to harbour an enormous diversity of higher taxa and significant body plans. Productivity in the world’s oceans is very high, and this also probably contributes to the great variety of animal life in the sea. Taxonomy of aquatic invertebrates is a course designed to present the diversity of aquatic life forms submitted in the animal kingdom. The course structure enables the student to observe the increasing complexity of animals from the simpler life forms to multiple groups. Classification, morphology, physiology, behaviour and ecology of major aquatic invertebrate groups as they relate to phylogenetic relationships, adaptations for specific habitats and lifestyles will be studied. It also highlights the dominant aquatic invertebrates that are of economic/commercial importance.
Faculty: Natural & Applied Sciences
Programme Type: Associate Degree
A new study gives a glimpse into the origins of vertebrate gene regulation. The researchers studied the lancelet, or amphioxus, an organism in the chordate phylum that lacks the unique attributes of a vertebrate, such as a head, eyes and limbs, but shares a similar body plan. Learning how the lancelet controls its gene activity clarified which control mechanisms evolved with vertebrates, and which were around already. If your interest is to understand what makes vertebrates, mammals, humans unique, you need to have this basis for comparing them. Vertebrates comprise all species of animals within the subphylum Vertebrata (having backbones). Vertebrates represent the overwhelming majority of the phylum chordate with thousands of species which includes, jawless fish, jawed fishes, jawed vertebrates (cartilaginous fishes, bony fishes). Other vertebrates are the tetrapods, which include bony lobed-finned fishes, as well as amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Vertebrates biology is designed to provide a firm foundation for students interested in the natural history of vertebrates. “
Faculty: Natural & Applied Sciences
Programme Type: Associate Degree
This course is an introduction to the necessary biochemical and chemical activities in the cell and examines the structure and function of fundamental chemicals of living organisms: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, enzymes, inorganic ions, and water. Topics include: vital chemicals of living organisms; monomers and chemicals bonds; carbohydrates – disaccharides and polysaccharides; lipids – the role of lipids in organisms; proteins – dipeptides and polypeptides; quaternary structure; inorganic ions- roles of calcium and iron; pH; colloids; water; enzymes – role, protein nature, mode of action and substrate, properties, denaturation and inhibition.
Faculty: Natural & Applied Sciences
Programme Type: Associate Degree
It is believed by many that different life forms descended from the same origin event and have many things in common. Life forms are composed of many cells or one cell, they carry out metabolism and transfer energy with the universal energy currency (ATP) in all biological forms, and they encode genetic information in both DNA and RNA. From basic observations of the Biosphere, living things are highly diverse, ranging from bacteria and paramecium to blue whales and sequoia trees. Coral reefs, such as those found in the Turks and Caicos Islands are microcosms of diversity, comprising many life forms and sheltering an enormous array of life. For centuries, biologists have tried to group organisms based on shared characteristics. The most meaningful groupings are based on the study of phylogenetics an evolutionary relationships among organisms, which may explain life’s variety. The course is will be delivered in an evolutionary context, the multiplicity of living things and their particular adaptations to survive in a specific environment. Topics covered will include a variety of organisms from all Kingdoms with a particular reference to their anatomy, patterns of development, mode of nutrition, level of organization, and other noteworthy characteristics. The major learning activities would be video documentation of life began vs other theories of life began. Group setting discussion on anatomy of similar organisms across kingdoms.
Faculty: Natural & Applied Sciences
Programme Type: Associate Degree
This course focuses on the uses of microorganisms in a wide range of useful applications. The conditions necessary for the growth and development of microorganisms is studied, and their use in large-scale production processes is examined. The uses of microorganisms as food sources and their use in food technology are considered. This course includes the use of microorganisms in medicine, genetic engineering and the role of microorganisms in waste disposal. The course content will be covered through the use of video presentations, power point presentations, lecture/discussions, group discussion, and student presentations.
Faculty: Natural & Applied Sciences
Programme Type: Associate Degree
This course is designed to bring more understanding to biological building blocks. All living entity have cells and the course will review the cell from a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) view to highlight all the functions of organelles. This course introduces biology majors to the structures and functions of cells and their organelles. Topics include: cell theory; ultra structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; structure and functions of cell organelles and inclusions; cell division; DNA replication; transcription; and translation. Videos, permanent slides and reference text will be some of the main learning activities that students can expect from this course.
Faculty: Natural & Applied Sciences
Programme Type: Associate Degree
This course focuses on the energy relationships between organisms and their environment. It explains the structure of ecosystems and energy flows within ecosystems in relation to food chains and trophic levels. The factors influencing environment and habitats are studied. This course also considers the characteristics of biotic communities and aspects of population ecology. The human impact on ecosystems is discussed. The course content will be covered through the use of video presentations, power point presentations, lecture/discussions, group discussion, and student presentations.
Faculty: Natural & Applied Sciences
Programme Type: Associate Degree
This Course gives you a basic idea about the devices used in electronics and communication systems. This course aims to create an interest in in research, design, development and testing of the electronic equipment used in various systems including communications equipment. This Course introduces fundamental electronic systems such as diode, capacitors, AC, DC, OpAmp and their characteristics. Topic includes frequency spectrum, modulation Technique and characteristics Transmitters and Receivers.
Faculty: Natural & Applied Sciences
Programme Type: Associate Degree, Science
This course is structured to provide knowledge and understanding of the major components of the environment. This course deals with the following aspects of environmental science; the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the biosphere. The major cycles of atmospheric gases are studied along with the causes of atmospheric pollution. This course also focuses on the water cycle and factors contributing to water pollution. The treatment to solid and liquid waste is considered in order to preserve water quality.
Faculty: Natural & Applied Sciences
Programme Type: Associate Degree