Faculty: Humanities and Liberal Studies
Programme Type: Associate Degree, Social Work
This course provides an overview of the major business cycles of companies that provide and receive goods and services on credit. The emphasis is on data flow through the organization showing how these subsystems interrelate. The use of accounting information systems in achieving organizational objectives, and the basic information functions of several accounting applications (Sales, Billing-Receivables, Purchasing-Payables, Inventory, Payroll, General Ledger, Manufacturing).The use of a general ledger software package and the ability to be able to set up use and support an Accounting/Financial Information Systems in the workplace.
Faculty: Computing, Engineering and Mathematics
Programme Type: Associate Degree, Certified & TVET, Computer Applications, Pre-College
This course is concerned with the literacy problems that exist among Jamaican primary school children and the methods of diagnosis and instruction to address these difficulties. The course is designed within a constructivist framework that espouses the notion that children have multiple realities and multiple intelligences. In other words, despite the difficulties experienced in conventional literacy activities, each student possesses particular strengths that may aid in his/her literacy development. Therefore, the course encourages student teachers’ exploration of empirically informed learner-centred instructional approaches to addressing difficulties children experience in their literacy activities. While being conversant with issues related to the course, the teacher educator should foster a participatory approach where student teachers are led into practical explorations of children’s reading difficulties and their solutions. In addition, the teacher educator should be aware of the national curricular and extracurricular provisions for addressing children’s reading difficulties and generate further solutions based on participation and research.
Faculty: Education & Training (EDT)
Programme Type: Associate Degree
Literacy pedagogy is an integral part of the teacher education programme. Developing student teachers’ awareness of the historical and current trends in literacy as well as principles and practices for developing children’s competencies is an extremely important dimension of the teacher education programme. The course is essential as it is focuses on student teachers’ need to be aware of their role and theories and practices in literacy in order to develop literacy skills in students. This course entails exploration of literacy which is designed to develop student teachers’ awareness and analysis of a wide range of literacy issues that are common among ECE students.
Faculty: Education & Training (EDT)
Programme Type: Associate Degree
Pedagogy in terms of literacy is an integral part of any ECE teacher education programme. Equipping student teachers with knowledge of the components of reading as well as strategies for developing children’s competencies in these areas is an extremely important dimension of the teacher education programme. The course, Advanced Studies in Literacy II is essential as it stresses the importance of applying knowledge of various approaches to the teaching of literacy via the components of reading. Student teachers who successfully complete this course should have greater understanding of the processes and principles involved in the development of literacy and are able to relate more meaningfully to literacy concerns in ECE.
Faculty: Education & Training (EDT)
Programme Type: Associate Degree
Students will build on the knowledge and skills they learned in ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION TECHNIQUES. In addition, this course will provide leaners with the essential practical skills and advanced underpinning knowledge to be fully qualified to undertake employment within field of electrical installation and electricity facilities maintenance. Topics covered are Single and Multi-family dwelling units and commercial and industrial wiring installations.
Faculty: Natural & Applied Sciences
Programme Type: Associate Degree, Electrical Engineering Technology
Saltwater covers seventy-one percent (71%) of its surface, and many aspects of the marine world minimize physical and chemical stresses on organisms. The barrier to evolving gas exchange and osmotic regulatory structures that can function in freshwater and terrestrial environments are formidable, and relatively few lineages have escaped their marine origins to do so. Thus, it is not surprising to find that the marine environment continues to harbour an enormous diversity of higher taxa and significant body plans. Productivity in the world’s oceans is very high, and this also probably contributes to the great variety of animal life in the sea. Taxonomy of aquatic invertebrates is a course designed to present the diversity of aquatic life forms submitted in the animal kingdom. The course structure enables the student to observe the increasing complexity of animals from the simpler life forms to multiple groups. Classification, morphology, physiology, behaviour and ecology of major aquatic invertebrate groups as they relate to phylogenetic relationships, adaptations for specific habitats and lifestyles will be studied. It also highlights the dominant aquatic invertebrates that are of economic/commercial importance.
Faculty: Natural & Applied Sciences
Programme Type: Associate Degree
A new study gives a glimpse into the origins of vertebrate gene regulation. The researchers studied the lancelet, or amphioxus, an organism in the chordate phylum that lacks the unique attributes of a vertebrate, such as a head, eyes and limbs, but shares a similar body plan. Learning how the lancelet controls its gene activity clarified which control mechanisms evolved with vertebrates, and which were around already. If your interest is to understand what makes vertebrates, mammals, humans unique, you need to have this basis for comparing them. Vertebrates comprise all species of animals within the subphylum Vertebrata (having backbones). Vertebrates represent the overwhelming majority of the phylum chordate with thousands of species which includes, jawless fish, jawed fishes, jawed vertebrates (cartilaginous fishes, bony fishes). Other vertebrates are the tetrapods, which include bony lobed-finned fishes, as well as amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Vertebrates biology is designed to provide a firm foundation for students interested in the natural history of vertebrates. “
Faculty: Natural & Applied Sciences
Programme Type: Associate Degree
This program provides instruction in architectural office practices used in the production of detailed drawings and related information required to produce construction documents for the construction of buildings. Emphasis is placed on an understanding of Architecture through learning computer-aided drafting. The program also includes classes that develop the students communication skills.
Faculty: Technical & Vocational Education
Programme Type: Associate Degree
Teaching and assessment are complementary processes; one activity informs the other. This course therefore seeks to increase student teachers’ knowledge of the range of assessment strategies that are appropriate for the developmental needs of the young child. Assessment is used to inform pedagogy, improve students’ learning and make valued judgement about students’ progress. Student teachers will be introduced to the various issues in assessing children- birth to eight years – and equip them with the skills to: observe and document children’s experiences, analyse students’ progress, design assessments which will modify teaching instructions to better meet the needs of the individual child. Effective assessment strategies require student teachers to understand each child’s performance through developmentally appropriate expectations. The information will be disseminated through lecture sessions, discussions, small group work, oral presentations, simulations, and case studies.
Faculty: Education & Training (EDT)
Programme Type: Associate Degree